Tyrant's Guards Hurt People, August 19 2006

I haven't posted here for 2 months, for we are all waiting for the Courts to proceed with legal procedures against tyrant's cronies' illegal activities.
Above is a picture of a fight that occurred at Siam Paragon Shopping Center in downtown Bangkok on Saturday August 19, 2006.
A PM's guard (left) hit the face of a college student who was shouting in protest to the tyrant. The tyrant was there to be the guest of (dis)honor to a business there.
One of the thugs also kicked a little girl (about 4-5 years old) who was caught in the situation.
For 2 days now, the media have publicized--and the people have criticized--this incidence.
I truly believe that this event is the "first drop of honey," or "the first spark," that can lead to the spectacular downfall of the evil tyrant.
We are waiting impatiently for it!
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